On Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 the Concord Police arrested Allen D. Tibbetts, of Pittsfield, NH, on a littering warrant form the Farmington Police Department. The arrest was the result of an initiative by the Farmington Police Department and the Farmington Conservation Commission to crack down on littering and illegal dumping in the town’s conservation areas.

Last fall the Farmington Police Department investigated a report of a man disposing of a mattress on the Town Forrest Conservation Land on Bay Rd. The department’s investigation determined that the litterer was Allen D. Tibbetts. Attempts to locate Tibbetts, formerly from New Durham, were unsuccessful and on November 14th a warrant was issued for Tibbetts’ arrest.

On Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 Concord Police pulled over Tibbetts for a traffic violation, and upon running his license, found that Farmington had issued a warrant for his arrest. According to the Concord officer, after learning about the charges against him, Tibbetts immediately admitted to dumping the mattress. Tibbetts was booked in Concord and is scheduled to be arraigned on June 17th, 2014 at 8:00 AM in the 7th Circuit Court, Rochester District Division.

This initiative has resulted in several littering convictions since its inception in the Spring of 2013. Officers from Farmington PD have yet to speak with Tibbetts regarding this incident but several of the offenders that have been caught to date reported that they were trying save money by avoiding the dump fee. In each case it ended up costing them a lot more in fines and restitution that it would have if they chose to pay for lawful disposal.

Under New Hampshire’s Litter Control Law, RSA 163-B, it is unlawful to dispose of trash on any public or private land or waterway unless it is placed in a “litter receptacle” or you have permission from the property owner. Littering is a Class B Misdemeanor and carries a maximum fine of $1200.00. On top of levying fines, the court can order people convicted under the statute to help clean up litter in the areas where they littered.

In Farmington, the Conservation Commission oversees a numbers of parcels including three properties where illegal dumping has been a problem- the French and Dubois Easements on River Rd and the Town Forest on Bay Rd. These three properties provide free access to over 300 acres of woodlands where the public can observe the natural wildlife as well as enjoy a variety of recreational activities like hunting, fishing, hiking, and cross country skiing. Snowmobiles are welcome on the River Road trails, however NO motorized wheeled vehicles are allowed on any conservation land.

The Police Department and the Conservation Commission will continue to vigilantly monitor the problem areas and prosecute anyone that chooses to dump their trash in our forests and streams. We encourage anyone with trash to dispose of it properly. Information on where to legally dispose of trash in Farmington can be found on the town’s website.


2 Responses to “Man Arrested in Concord for Littering on Farmington Conservation Land”

  1. donna maracle says:

    great job

  2. Jim Horgan says:

    Thanks to the Concord Pd and Thanks to the Farmington PD for their staunch support of our conservation efforts. Nice Job.

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