During the month of March the officers of the Farmington Police Department will be on the lookout for Good Drivers, Courteous Behavior, as well as Violators.  Having police contact during the month of March may result in a Free French Fry or Slice of Pizza.  Crowley’s Variety and Grill, and the Farmington Police Department are teaming up to reward our citizens with the good things they do everyday.  If an officer sees courteous behavior they will try and safely make contact with the party, and reward them with the gift card.  The person will then be able to redeem it at Crowley’s Variety and Grill at 351 Main Street Farmington NH, for a small fry or a slice of pizza depending on the card.  We have all had enough of this winter and look forward to seeing everyone come out of hybernation.  Please stay safe out there, spring is on the way, or so I am told…

Thanks to a donation from HRCU we are able to continue this campaign for the whole month.  Some of you may have seen, and heard that this idea has gotten a little large.  It is in part thanks to the hard work, volunteerism, and great citizens of the Town of Farmington and the State of New Hampshire.  I hope we can continue on through this winter.  Part of me hopes that Police all over the country remember why they wanted to become Law Enforcement Officers.  To help people, to be a part of the community, and to try our best at what we do.  We may not be able to help everyone, but if we listen, and all work hard, we can achieve a lot of good.

If you are availalbe from 8:00 to 10:00 AM Sunday the 15th of March 2015,  (NHPR) New Hampshire Public Radio (Weekend Edition), you can hear an interview in regards to this project.

**Sorry this was going to air on the 8th, but we got bumped.  Hopefully it will be the 15th at the same time.  (Weekend Edition)

March 13–There are some related stories posted to our facebook page in regards to this event that have happened this past week.  I also wanted to take a moment to thank the community of the Town of Farmington.  I have seen the reason I wanted to become a police officer come to fruition this winter, people helping each other.  People have shoveled each other out, helped their neighbors, and other deeds that the citizens of our community do every day that go unnoticed.  This small program has had better results nationwide than I could have imagined, and it all started with you.  Sincerely thanks,   Jay


One Response to “Courteous and Safe Driving may not be it’s own reward.”

  1. victoria says:

    I am completely blown away by the kind gestures the officers of this town display to their citizens. I grew up in Nashua, NH and as a child I loved how officers walked the beat up and down Main street interacting in a positive and loving way with all citizens. I fondly remember going to police cookouts for family and friends. I rarely watch the news but yesterday on NBC World News Tonight I caught the story of the Farmington Police rewarding people with the gift cards. My heart broke and for a few moments I was transcended back to my youth in Nashua where police were revered fro their warmth and kindness (thanks for that feeling). I am lucky enough to live in a great city with the best Police Department around. We have very little crime here. The officers will always take the time to interact with the citizens. The will wave, say hi, etc. Its a great feeling. Police are getting a bad rap and it’s not fair so when I see stories like this it warms my heart. Your town sounds wonderful like a Rockwell painting. I often tell people that I grew up in a Rockwell painting. Life seemed less complicated. Oh how I miss the simple carefree living of New Hampshire. Thanks for stirring up wonderful memories. I love to donate some money so the department can hand out a few more gift cards. Peace and Health. Warmly, Victoria

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